REDCap Recruitment Tracker

REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture) is a nationwide online survey and database. Learn more about REDCap at UIC.

To help researchers visualize any project involving a randomized controlled trial (RCT) in REDCap, the Biostatistics Core developed an R Shiny application called Recruitment Tracker. Recruitment Tracker aims to establish a free, interactive, and web-based dashboard ( The platform R Shiny allows users to interact with and visualize the data according to their needs.

Workflow and modules of the interactive Recruitment Tracker

Figure 1: Workflow and modules of the interactive Recruitment Tracker

The main function of this dashboard is to track the recruitment progress of an RCT project using tools and functionalities that provide real-time statistical results. Thus, this dashboard can support users in making decisions about recruitment progress and data collection based on the tracking reports.

The secondary function of the Recruitment Tracker is to visualize the characteristics of the participants assigned to receive randomization in RCTs. Researchers can perform univariate and bivariate analyses on all demographic and clinical variables of interest. All the results in the Recruitment Tracker presented in graphs and tables are able to be downloaded.

For a detailed user guide, see the GitHub repository. For more information about the Recruitment Tracker, including advice about how to apply it in your research, consider scheduling a consultation with a biostatistician.